Thursday, September 28, 2017

Future to Come: The Blacklist "Smokey Putnum (No. 30)" Season Premiere

The Blacklist is back, and it feels absolutely thrilling! After watching this episode, you're sure to have a blast and will be left with something exciting to anticipate in the upcoming season, especially with that jaw-dropping moment.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Chicago PD Season 4

With less than 12 hours until Chicago PD's big season premiere, here's a recap of season four.

Season 4 begins with the investigation of a missing suspect that murdered Hank's son. Things got dicey to the point where we thought Hank would be done. That was until they went to Hank's spot, where he takes terrible guys to get them to confess and dig to find the body. We know that he had killed the guy, but by the time the whole CPD was digging the place up, there was nobody at all. That might have been the little help from Erin, and after that, it gave one of the best moments between Hank and Erin.

There were a lot of significant cases that really took the characters and show to new heights. The one that really stood out was the four-show crossover between Fire, Med PD, and the newly canceled Justice. That was basically a damn blockbuster movie, to say the less. That blew me away, and I had a hard time processing what was happening because it was so emotionally good.

Antonio left CPD to join Justice, but when season five begins, expect him to return home—but to a very different home.

The relationship between Erin and Jay was taking a new turn, even with one another living together at her place. Just when you thought things were going well for them, a shocking surprise comes along with a blast from Jay's past: his wife, who happens to not have signed the divorce papers.

But near the end of the season, Erin goes a bit too far, farther than what Hank would have done. When a child goes missing and has the only suspect in questioning, she takes to her own power and tries to get him to confess but uses force with her gun, and that doesn't end well at all. The heads of the CPD had to decide about Erin's future, but an opportunity arose when Bunny, Erin's mother, got caught in a federal crime. The FBI from New York offers Erin a job in exchange for her mother not going to jail, for which she takes and doesn't call or answer anyone near the end of the season finale, not even Jay.

With Season 5 coming, there's new air in this season. Tracy Spiridakos has now become a regular cast member on the show as Det. Hailey Upton was a guest in the last few episodes of season four. Also, a new showrunner has taken the show to a new level by telling stories about what real CPD is going through these days.

I'm looking forward to what Season Five will bring this season. I want to see how they tie Erin's story and how Jay will handle it. That was a total shock when Sophia Bush announced she won't be back for season 5, and yet she told Seth Meyers that she was thrilled about the show getting renewed, and Seth was happy that she would stay on the network as well. But the writings were on the wall in the last couple of episodes of season 4.

The new season of Chicago PD begins tonight at 10/9c on NBC.

This Is Us "A Father's Advice" Season Premiere

The season premiere of This Is Us aired last night and it felt so good to see these characters once again.

It's Randall, Kate and Kevin's birthday and celebrating might not be the way they would have hoped it would be. Randall and Beth are pursuing adopting a baby, but Beth isn't too sure she would want to do that until she rethinks at a time where her and William had a discussion at his favorite spot. While Randall talks to Rebecca about how adopting and asking when did she knew he was theirs and she goes on saying that with every marriage there's one that pushes and it was Jack.

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Later, Beth takes Randall for a ride to Williams favorite spot and gives him not only one birthday gift but an idea for adopting. Instead of adopting a baby, maybe adopting an older kid. Seems like it's a go.

Meanwhile, Kevin is having an okay time in Hollywood after filming for Ron Howard, he gets a call from Sophie about how she cant come due to her mother's MS. So that makes his plans with Kate and Toby a threesome birthday date, for which Toby didn't like it.

Toby gets Kate's confidence up for her audition but when she goes to her audition she looks around and thinks back to the pool scene where every girl didn't want to hangout with her. She skips and has birthday dinner with Kevin and Toby, but she tells Kevin before telling Toby about the audition. Kevin tries to make things better with Toby and Kate, but Toby needs Kevin to back off just a bit from Kate just a bit.

After the two argued, Kate stopped them and headed back to the audition. She came in with a lot of confidence and only got a short audition but fought to the manager that she has the ability to sing than just looking a size two until he brings a backup singer to sing and tells her that she can sing but didn't get it and that it wasn't looking who's skinny. For which gave her a goal to set and peruse.

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Kevin tells Toby while Kate was auditioning that she was the one that told him that their father died and that they are inseparable. Bur Toby understands that but he wants Kevin to give them a little bit of space. For which he did, letting them go drink their feelings away while Kevin headed back to the hotel to find Sophie there.

Probably the one thing that will stand out through this episode is learning about Jack's death, since that's the one thing everyone has been asking about since season one.

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We see how both Jack and Rebecca took time away from one another, thinking that this would be okay until Rebecca comes back to bring Jack home. But after a heartfelt speech from Rebecca, Jack tells her that he's drunk and has been drinking for weeks. He tells her he needs help and he will but just when you think after he shuts the door it was over.


Rebecca pushes him to come home. But as we see them driving home, we jump into a scene where Rebecca drives with a small bag (wedding ring and other things I want to say), and later come to seeing Migual calming Randall and Kate about Jack's death and Kate telling Randall they need to find Kevin (while kissing Sophie) to tell him.

But we come to Rebecca driving home and sees the home and turns out the house was on fire and burned badly. What could this be, did Jack had another hard time given up drinking that he drank himself and had an accident?

"A Father's Advice" was an amazing episode that had such great character development, soild writing and performances, manily from Mandy Moore, Milo Ventimiglia, Chrissy Metz, Sterling K. Brown and Susan Kelechi Watson. I really enjoyed the narration of Ron Cephas Jones' William reading/typing up his book that it just seemed to fitting. Was I tearing up through the episode? Yes. This was such a great first episode to start the season.

Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch This Is Us Tuesdays at 9/8c on NBC.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Supergirl Season 3 Promo: Hero's Journey

Here's a new trailer for the thrid season of Supergirl.

You can catch Supergirl season premiere Monday, Oct. 9th at 8/7c on The CW.

The Blacklist Season 5 Premiere (MORE CLIPS!!!!)

With the season premiere tomorrow, here are some more clips from The Blacklist season premiere.

The season premiere begins Wednesday, Sept. 27th at 8/7c on NBC.

Kevin Can Wait "Civil Ceremony" Season Premiere

Last night's season premiere of Kevin Can Wait was hilarious at time but also felt so strange in a way.

"In "Civil Ceremony," the series seems to jump a year after the season one finale. When Kevin forgets to mail Chale's immigration papers, Kevin does all he can to keep his daughter's fiance to stay, even if that means putting on a quick wedding.

I will admit that this episode had some funny moments. From Kevin and Chale's meeting with the immigration guy and when things were good, it went south when Kevin mentions terrorism. Even Leah's character helping Kendra with her wedding and invites the stripper, who happens to be a plummer, not only appears once but will appear twice and the second time will be even creaper and funny.

But the thing that was so strange was addressing about Donna's death. We only get a short word about Donna's death, but with all due respect, where's the respect for the character? Only get a little after Kevin gets mail from Donna's gym saying they miss her. I don't know about you, but I didn't feel satisfied at all. I was hoping a little more like a sit down and talk about it but I guess they really wanted to address it qucik and move on.

This episode was pretty good. It did delivered some funny moments and even a heart warming one with Kevin and Kendra just before he walked her down the chaple for the wedding. But at the end of the day the one big thing that the show was going to do just didn't feel it was done in the right way. I feel that it should have been a bit longer in talking about Erin Hayes' characer Donna. And now that it aired I don't think they'll address about it again and just move on with life.

Overall, I give this season premiere a 6.5/10.

You can catch Kevin Can Wait Mondays at 9/8c on CBS.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Pitch Perfect 3 - Official Trailer 2 [HD]

Here's the second official trailer for Pitch Perfect 3. Looks like this might be the farewell tour for the Christmas season. Or should I say Pitchmas season.

Kevin Can Wait - Civil Ceremony (Preview)

The Good Place "Everything Is Great!" Season Premiere

The season premiere of The Good Place was funnier than I could have imagine. Even re-watching the hour long episode was even better and picked up other jokes along the way that I didn't get the first time.

In the season premiere, after the events that took place in the season finale, Michael believes that this second plan of doing a do over and changing a few things will work this time. Boy, was he wrong.

Throught the episode, we see Michael reintroudce Eleanor, Chidi, Jason and Tahani, both having different soulmates and different situations that different for the characters and hilarious. Even with Tahani and Jason were espcially hilarious watching them with their soulmates and dealing with their new life.

We see more of Michael in a way like seeing an evil Wizard of Oz without the certain. We see him carry out his plan with the other people in The Good Place and try to get Eleanor to drink, steal shrimp and give an insulating speech but the plan didn't carry out the way he had hope it would. Even though the plan was ruined, Eleanor did tells Michael how she figured it out with the note that she left in Janet's mouth. After that just like Michael said to the Good Place gang, "the third time is the charm."

But even though it's the third time, there's one person in The Good Place that doesn't know about it, Sean. After another redo, Michael get a call from Sean about how the plan was going and of course, he lies to him about it trying to avoid getting forced retired and sent to the sun.

The season really kicked off great. There were so many amazing and hilarious moments from Michael having a town hall meeting with his coworkers to Eleanor and Chidi figuring out how they first met to even Tahani trying to deal with her new living situation. I thought that Ted Danson really stole the episode. I even got chills after he yells about finding Eleanor and the others. The writing was really strong. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch The Good Place on it's regular night, Thursdays at 8:30/7:30c on NBC.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Season 3 Trailer and Promo

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Here's a trailer and promo for the new season of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. It looks like Rebecca might go to the extreme.

The new season begins Friday, Oct. 13th 8/7c on The CW.

Chicago Fire - The 10 Biggest Moments of Chicago Fire Season 5 (Digital ...

Before the season premiere of Chicago Fire, here's a top 10 best moments of Season 5.

Fresh Off The Boat Season Premiere Promo

Here's a promo for the season premiere of Fresh Off the Boat and it looks like someone is going to be on the most popluar game show on television...

The new season begins Tuesday, October 5th at 8:30/7:30c on ABC.

This Is Us: The Next Generation

With only two days away til the most anticapted season premiere of the television season. Here's a special look of the next generation in This Is Us.

The new season of This Is Us begins this Tuesday at 9/8c on NBC.

The Blacklist Digital Behind Season 5 Look

With a couple a days til the season premiere of The Blacklist, here are some behind the scene clips of the upcoming fifth season.

The new season begins Wednesday, Sept. 27th at 8/7c on NBC.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Good Place Season 2 clips.

With the season premiere of The Good Place in a few hours (after the season finale of America's Got Talent). Here are some clips.

You can catch the special one hour season premiere of The Good Place tonight at 10/9c after AGT Finale and catch the show when it moves to it's regular time Thursday, Sept. 28th at 8:30/7:30c on NBC.

Chicago PD Season 5 Clips

With the season premiere of Chicago PD just a week away, here are some clips from the season premiere.

You can catch the season premiere of Chicago PD Wednesday, Sept. 27th at 10/9c on NBC.

Tomb Raider - First Trailer (2018) Alicia Vikander

The first trailer for Tomb Raider is out now and it's freakin amazing!!! I want to see it now!!!!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Chicago Fire Sneak Peak of Season 6

With just a week and two days away til the anticapted season premiere of Chicago Fire. Here's a sneak peak of what to expect for the new season, even with the new night and time.

The new season of Chicago Fire begins on a new night, Thursday, Sept. 28th at 10/9c on NBC.

Kevin Can Wait Season 2 Promo: Look Who's Joining the Cast!

Here's the Season 2 promo of Kevin Can Wait. And look who's joining the cast!!

The new season begins Monday, Sept. 25th at 9/8c on CBS.

The Blacklist Season 5 Clip #2

Here's a second clip of the season premiere of The Blacklist.

The new season begins Wednesday, Sept. 27th at 8/7c on NBC.

The Blacklist Season 5 First Minutes of Season Premiere

Here's a clip of the first scene in the season premiere of The Blacklist. After watching this I would love to drive with Red.

You can catch the season premiere of The Blacklist Wednesday, Sept. 27th at 8/7c on NBC.

The Good Place Season 1

It was last season most clever, funniest and well written new show, if you haven't seen the first season of The Good Place, here's a bit of a recap.

The Good Place is when Eleanor Shellstrop (Kristen Bell), who awakes and is welcomed to the afterlife by Michael (Ted Danson), she learns that she died when she was struck and killed by a tractor-trailer that was carrying a billoard for erectile dysfunction products. Michael is the faclitator and architect of this new neighborhood in a utopia called "The Good Place."

Michael tells Eleanor she made it into the Good Place for helping clients get off death row and also other international humanitarian work but she realizes that she's been mistaken for someone else whom she later finds out that she has the same name. While in The Good Place, Eleanor learns that when you entered you have a soulamte with whom she or he is matched that's accordingly upon arrival she or he will live for enternity.

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Hoping to stay in The Good Place, Eleanor must hide her imperfect behavioral past from everyone and asked her soulmate, Chidi Anagonye (William Jackson Harper), a university ethics professor in life. He agrees to teach Eleanor to become a better person and aviod going to The Bad Place.

Along with that, she interacs wth the people in The Good Place like Tahani Al-Jamil (Jameela Jami), a wealthy philanthripist who decicated her life helping poor people and raise billions just to prove her parents she can do better than her sister. Tahani's soulmate, Jianyu Li (Manny Jacinto), a slient Buddhist monk from Taiwan, but really is another mistaken mishap for someone else, like Eleanor, who happens to be a DJ named Jason Mendoza from Florida.
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Throughout the episode, Eleanor, Chidi and Jianyu/Jason tries to keep their serect from Michael but everything from flying shrimp, giant bugs, and massive sinkhole and even Michael quiting his job, just puts the pressue for Eleanor. So she decided to announce that she wasn't the Eleanor they thought they had. So Michael get to the bottom of it, goes through records and then gives Eleanor questions about what good things she has done in the real world, which were none.

Micheal calls Trevor, the man from The Bad Place, about this situation and that they have the other Eleanor over there. As Travor brings other Eleanor, the real Eleanor after watching how Chidi and the other Eleanor work well together decides to go, but a change of mind comes from Michael and hoping for some kind of an agreement. That lead for Sean to come, Sean is the Eternal Judge of The Good Place, but as he comes, both Eleanor, Jianyu/Jason and Janet, the Good Place version of Siri, steals the train and heads to the Middle Place.

Trevor hears Michael, Chidi and Tahani's plea to keep Eleanor in The Good Place, but they must do it without showing any emotion for else Trevor goes into a coccoon. After hearing from them, he puts a warning out to Eleanor if they don't come back two of her friends will take their place, for which Eleanor returns but misses the deadline.

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She makes a plea to go but Trevor wants another person too. After everyone argues who's going and who's staying it turned into a one big torture until Eleanor probably figured out the greatest, most shocking moment in this television season. She figures out something and calls Trevor and Michael out and tells them that her and Chidi will go and for the moment Michael and Trevor were stun for a moment, until Eleanor tells the gang that this isn't The Good Place but The Bad Place and with Michael's face turning from shock to a weaselly grin, he finaly admits it. And tells all how he came up with the idea and how everything was all staged from the beginning.

Soon, Michael and Trevor went out and talked about redoing it all over again and fixing the mixup. Before Michael came back, Eleanor tries to write a message for herself and place it in Janet's mouth. As Michael comes back in, Eleanor tells him to do his worst but she will and by that time Michael snaps his fingers and we are back to square one with Eleanor meeting Michael again this time different. But soon after going through all the introductions of The Good Place, meeting her home and soulmate, she gets a visit from Janet with her message that she left for herself to tell her to find Chidi, but first she needs to know what's a Chidi.

This was literally one of the best new shows of last season. The writing and the performances from this cast was beyond amazing. There's so much chemistry with this cast it can't be denied that they are irresistible. With what I was proceed with what the episodes were going, I literally didn't see that final moment in the season finale to be what it turly would be. Shocked to the core yelling "What the fork!" many times during and after it aired.

I can't wait for the season two to begin to see where these characters will go. It may seem the same but the game has changed.

If you haven't seen The Good Place, you can catch the first season on Netflix now or the NBC App. You can catch the special one hour season premiere Wednesday, Sept. 20th at 10/9c after Amercia's Got Talent Season Finale and catch them on it's regular night and time Thursday, Sept. 28th at 8:30/7:30c on NBC.

Superstore Season 3, Ep. 1 "Grand Re-Opening" Press Release, Photos, Promos and First Look

Here's a look into the season premiere of Superstore titled, "Grand Re-Opening."

In the season premiere, the Cloud 9 employees are rushing to the finish line of re-building the store in time for it's "Grand Re-Opening." Amy and Jonah confront their awkward kiss at the end of last season; Glenn discovers that something about himself: Garrett avoid Jonah. Mateo worries about the voicemail he left on Jeff's phone and Dina meets her match when special guest star, Howie Mandel comes in.

You can catch the season premiere of Superstore Thursday, Sept. 28th at 8/7c on NBC.

Chicago PD Season 5, Ep. 1 "Reform" Press Release, Photos, Promo, First Look

Here's a press release for the season premiere of Chicago PD, titled "Reform."

In the season 5 premiere, the district is in a state of change as Lindsay has moved to New York, and the CPD is under scrutiny about the corrupt nature of its institution. Under the watchful eye of the city, the team attempts to bust a gun deal that quickly turns dicey when innocent civilians and children get involved. Tension erupts when Chief Lugo (guest star Esai Morales) brings in Danny Woods (guest star Mykelti Williamson) to review the shootout, and Halstead becomes a key player in the outcome of the case.

You can catch the season premiere of Chicago PD Wednesday, Sept. 27th at 10/9c on NBC.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Brave Coming Monday Nights in One Week

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A week from tomorrow begins a new series called The Brave. If you haven't seen or heard by now about this show that's coming to Monday nights after The Voice.

The Brave is a fresh, heart-pounding journey into the complex world of American's slite undercover military heroes follows Captain Adam Dalton (played by Mike Vogel ("Under the Dome")) and his heroic Special Ops squad of highly trained undercover specialists carry out each mission on the ground. His team is armed with incredible sniper Sgt. Jasmine 'Jaz" Khan (played by Natacha Karam ("Homeland")), CPO Ezekiel 'Preach' Carter (played by Demetrius Grosse ("Justified" and "Banshee")), combat medic Sgt. Joseph 'McG; McGurie (played by Noah Mills ("2 Broke Girls")) and intelligence officer Agent Amir Al-Raisnai (played by Hadi Tabbal ("The Blacklist" and "House of Cards")).
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This team works hand-in-hand with D.I.A. Deputy Director Patricai Campbell (Anne Heche ("Dig" and "Aftermath")) and her team of analysts including veterans Cultural Specialist Noah Morgenthau (played by Tate Ellington ("The Blacklist" and "Shamless")) and Mission Coordinator Hannah Archer (played by Sofia Pernas ("Jane the Virgin")), as they wield the rowlr's most advanced survellance technology from headquarters in D.C.

All members of this elite squad, both in D.C. and across the world, have one thing in comon: their resilence and commitment to freedom is unmatched by any other. Often facing insurmoutable challenges, the teams works tirelessly to get the job done and to prevail in even the most complex situations. Week after week, the team uses that along with their unbreakable bond to save lives of innocent people and excute missions in some of the most dangerious places in the world.

The Brave is created by executive producer Dean Georgaris (Lara Croft: Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life"). Matt Corman ("Covert Affairs") and Chirs Ord ("Covert Affairs") are the showrunners and executive producers and Avi Nir ("Homeland"), Alon Shtruzman ("Dig"), Peter Traugott ("Do No Harm") and Rachel Kaplan ("Do No Harm") also serves as exective producers. Produced by Universal Television and Keshet Studios.

I've seen a lot of promos from network and cable, even online and on the raido. It's certainly got my attention as something different but the same team drama that we would see in other shows. I'm sure this show will give us the drama that will makes us move on the edge of our seats.

You can catch the series premiere of The Brave Monday, Sept. 25 at 10/9c on NBC.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Blindspot Season 3 Sneak Peak and First Look

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If you are wondering about anythng aboutt he upcoming season of Blindspot, have not fear. Even if the thrid season premieres in October, here's a couple of sneak peaks to tie you over. This third season should be a good one.

The new seaosn of Blindspot begins Friday, October 27th at 8/7c on NBC.

The Blacklist Season 5 (New)Sneak Peak

Here's the latest new sneak peak of Season 5 of The Blacklist that as Ryan Eggold said that it's hot off the presses and that he hasn't seen it yet. But I couldn't promise to keep it under my hat. In this sneak peak there's a new director to new love to even Red feeling more alive than ever before. Oh boy!

Here's the sneak peak video:

The new season of The Blacklist premieres on it's new night and time, Wendesday, Sept. 27th at 8/7c on NBC.

My Picks for the Primetime Emmy Awards

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With less than 36 hours til the start of Television's biggest event, the Primetime Emmy Awards. Here's my picks to win the biggest night of award season.

Outstanding Comedy Series: Atlanta (FX)
Outstanding Drama Series: This Is Us (NBC)
Outstanding Variety Talk Show: Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Outstanding Variety Sketch Series: Saturday Night Live (NBC)
Outstanding Limited Series: Big Little Lies (HBO)
Outstanding Television Movie: Sherlock: "The Lying Detective" (PBS)
Outstanding Reality-Competition Program: The Voice (NBC)

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series: Donald Glover, Atlanta (FX)
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series: Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep (HBO)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series: Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us (NBC)
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series: Elizabeth Moss, The Handmaid's Tale (Hulu)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie: Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock: "The Lying Detective (PBS)
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series or Movie: Reese Witherspoon, Big Little Lies (HBO)

Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series: Alec Baldwin Saturday Night Live (NBC)
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series: Kate McKinnon Saturday Night Live (NBC)
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series: Ron Cephas Jones, This Is Us (NBC)
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series: Milli Bobby Brown Stranger Things (Netflix)
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or Movie: Alexander Skarsgard, Big Little Lies (HBO)
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series or Movie: Laura Dern, Big Little Lies (HBO)

Outstanding Directing for a Comedy Series: Veep, (HBO)
Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series: Stranger Thing (Netflix)
Outstanding Directing for a Varitety Series: Saturday Night Live (NBC)
Outstanding Directing for a Limited Seires, Movie, or Dramatic Special: Big Little Lies (HBO)

Outstanding Writing for a Comedy Seires: Stephen Glover, Atlanta "Streets on Lock" (FX)
Outstanding Writing for a Drama Series: The Duffer Brother, Stranger Things "Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers" (Netflix)
Outstanding Writing for a Variety Series: Late Night with Seth Meyers and Saturday Night Live (NBC)
Outstanding Writing for a Limited Series, Movie, or Dramatic Special: Big Little Lies (HBO)

It looks like it's going to be a big night for first time shows that debut last year. I can't wait to see who takes home the Emmy award. I feel everyone deserves it, even those that didn't get nominated.

Friday, September 15, 2017

The Blacklist Season 5 First Look

Here's a video of a first look into the fifth season of The Blacklist.

It looks like it's going to one hell of a season. I can't wait to see Liz and Red have these father-daughter moments. 

You can catch the season premiere of The Blacklist on it's new night and time, Wednesday, Sept. 27th at 8/7c on NBC.

This Is Us Season 2 Clips and Promos

We're just little more than a week away til the anticapted season premiere of last year's biggest new show, This Is Us. If you're like me, who can't wait for the big day, I hear you. I thought that maybe this will tie you down til the seaosn premiere.

I'm guessing that probably after watching these clips and promos that you probably grabbed some tissues. Don't be embarrassed, I did it too when I first watch these clips.

You can catch the season premiere of This Is Us, Tuesday, Sept. 26 at 9/8c on NBC.

Supergirl Season 3 Another Inside Look

Here's a clip of a longer discussion about the upcoming season three of Supergirl:

You can catch the return of Supergirl Monday, October 9th at 8/7c on The CW.

Supergirl Season 3: Meeting Reign with a Twist

When the third season of Supergirl premieres, expect to see a new big bad Reign to be not your typical villian. That could be that she might not have the idea that she is a villian.

If you remember at the closing of season two, it was revealed that another pod escaped Krypton's destruction, housing a bio-engineered weapon called Reign, also known to all as a Worldkiller. In the comics, the Worldkillers are bloodthiirsty, super-powered beings that's set out to conquer Earth.
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But when Dette Annable (House) makes her debut in the season premiere, she'll be playing a very different character than what the comic book fans have come to know from the New 52s.

Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg tells EW, "When we meet Reign, she's ust a woman. HEr name is Samanthan and she's a single mom, and she has no idea that she is Reign: she has no idea that she was the baby in the pod at the end of last season, so the journey that she takes this season is watching her realize her heritage and see how it manifests."

With Samantha's transformation into Reign, will speak with the show's theme this year. "The thing everybody is struggling with on Supegirl this season is What does it mean to be humna?", Kreisberg says, stressing that Supergirl needed to shake things up with the choices of big bad. "I'm not only competing with myself on Supergirl, but I'm competing with with myself on all the other shows that I've done, and by that I mean I don't want to repeat what I've done on Supergirl, nor do I want to repeat what I've done on Arrow and Flash."

Oh please don't repeat what you did on Arrow, I can't stand another I'm done being a hero at one end and deciding to come back in another. Three seasons of that gets pretty tiresome.

Kreisberg contuines, Usually on these shows, you either meet the big bad at the end of episode one or you meet them at episode seven or nine, and you realize that they've been pulling the strings the whole time, and were out there working with their multi-year plan to take down the heroes or destroy the city. When we were figuring out Reign, one thin we've never really seen on any of these shows is we've never seen the big bad become the big bad."

It seems that we're in for a hell of a season. So ge ready for it when Supergirl premieres on Monday, October 9th at 8/7c on The CW.

Chicago Fire Season 6 Cast Photos

Here's the photos of the cast for season six. 

The new season of Chicago Fire kicks off on its new night, Thursday, Sept. 28th at 10/9c on NBC.