Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Adventures of Going Through Time and Space.

There are television shows that sometimes we have never heard before, never seen, something so unique that it just blows your mind right out of your head and into the deep parts of space and time. I'm talking about a show that has a long history. I'm talking about Doctor Who.

Doctor Who, a British SyFy television series that has been around since 1963 (that's 51 years, making it the most extended science fiction television series of all time), has been part of mainstream culture for a long time. It was a massive hit in the UK, and soon, the US followed it, too. The theme song is one of the most recognized theme songs ever.

The 13 Doctors that we've seen in the show's history, from Tom Baker to David Tennent to Matt Smith to now Peter Capaldi.  Also, the show has some of the most extraordinary, scary, and weirdest villains, from Daleks to The Weeping Angles (the most frightening thing I've seen on the show).

I never heard Doctor Who until 2011, when the Doctor was played by Matt Smith in season six. I heard of the series maybe a few months before the season started. I listened to the podcast "Talking TV with Ryan and Ryan," and they discussed the series. As I listened to this on my iPod in the library at my community college, I became very interested in this series.

I learned before watching a single episode that I didn't have to go back to the beginning, which was probably a better thing to do than to do it.

I started with Season Five, and after watching each episode, I was very much hooked on the series.

Smith was just hilarious and made me realize that bow ties are cool. Who wouldn't want to travel with a man in a blue box through time and space?

Soon, I became a Whovan, and so did my brother, Alex, too. And then, we started watching other Doctor Who episodes, from the classics to the series reboot in 2005.

My favorite villain is between the Daleks and weeping angels. Both scare me, but the angels frightened me to death when I saw them in season five.

Since watching Who, my favorite companion is Amy Pond. The girl who waited was the story that stole my heart, and when she was taken away from the Weeping Angels in season seven, I was sad. But now I'm getting attached to Clara Oswald, The Impossible Girl, as she is known to the Doctor. She's fun and clever.

She has a soft side and yet stands up for what she knows.

As I wrote this, I've seen the first episode of the new season and thought that it was terrific. Peter is the Doctor. He has the look, the style, and the accent for it. He is a man who is lost. I was very moved and thought seeing Matt Smith calling Clara was a great closure. It was something that I think we all needed to see.

This series is a series that regenerates, like the Doctor himself, with new stories and new characters.
Now, with the start of the new season and the new Doctor, I'm looking forward to new adventures into the darkness of time and space and what becomes of the Doctor and Clara as they travel off.


Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt "Kimmy Makes Waffles" Season Finale

In the season finale of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Kimmy and the mole women are in the bunker trying to find any evidence to get Rev. Wayne G. Wayne.

They've found a video tape that contains clips of Rev. Wayne doing karate kicks, DJ Wayne and his application for The Apprentice. To Kimmy, there was nothing there to get him on.

Tensions rises between the girls of finding nothing. But when leaves, the wind and a motorist touches or rides on the bunker door, it starts to close and the girls are trap again.

Meanwhile, Titus who's been embarrass from his interview, gets a phone call from his agent. The agent loved the YouTube video of Titus and wants him to go on The Soup and other things.

Lillian and Jacqueline take a trip to see Kimmy. These two are a pair of Thelma and Louise, they have chemistry no doubt about it. Riding in the car, talking with each other in Jacqueline's kitchen and almost about to have fun with a couple of sailors.

Even Jacqueline doesn't know how to drive, she turns to her family and remembers certain things like which way the wind blows or that big hair dogs are buffaloes.  But when she sees an Indian mascot come off the bus, she starts attacking it.

As Kimmy and the girls are still trapped, Kimmy has an idea of how to get out, same place where the rat came and went: the air vent. The Kimmy and the other two girls help boost up the vent but needed the other one (who's on the Rev. Wayne's said) for help. After Kimmy made a promise to her, she boosted up all there and soon just before making a phone call, Randy comes with help after rescuing what he says is the Mayor's cat.

The Kimmy and the girls comes back to court and Kimmy takes the roll of asking questions. She tries to be slick but with time running out, she puts in the tape. There might be nothing there until Gretchen was stun to see what was on the tape. Apparently the Rev. Wayne made an audition tape the day before the Apocalypse.

That winning the case and taking Wayne to jail. Kimmy and Cyndee made up their difference. Lillian and Jacqueline get there and Jacqueline makes a decision to travel to her home town without her contacts. Ah..she can't drive that well with them.

Not to mention that Dong has been calling Kimmy more than eight times, but when Kimmy called back Dong was married to another person that was in their study group. Awkward!!

But probably as not awkward as Titus coming to Kimmy and all of the sudden, his wife shows up. Total awkward. Boy, oh boy oh boy, next season is going to be juicy.

I've found this episode to be totally out the mind hilarious. Felt like it picked off where we left off which is great for binge watchers. Jon Hamm, amazing!!! That tape of him was just mind blowing funny. Give the guy an Emmy for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series. He won that this year I think.

Felt like the show tied loose ends and also very much opened the door for more. I can't wait to see more Titus and his wife that's going to be something. What will Kimmy do next after the trail is all done? I wonder and I surely can't wait for season two.

Overall, I give this episode a 10/10. It closed it up and opened season two with so many possibilities.

For overall this season, I give this season a 10/10. I can't see any thing other that this series is truly one of the best. Literally one of the best comedies to binge watch online. I won't be surprised if this series starts to win a lot of awards because this is a show of talent that's all over.

You can catch the entire first season of the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt on Netflix now and season two will be in Spring of 2016.  

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt "Kimmy Rides a Bike" & "Kimmy Goes to Court"

In episodes 11 and 12 of the hilarious Netflix series Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Kimmy has been summoned to testify in a court of the Mole Woman trial. She doesn't want to go, but after finding an activity to take the trail off her mind, Kimmy is in the same situation again. Will she go and testify in court?

In the episode "Kimmy Rides a Bike," Kimmy gets a letter from her hometown in India that she's been called to testify against Ravened Richard Wayne G. Wayne (played by Jon Hamm). It turns out that Kimmy doesn't want to go, and when she mentions it to Titus, all he can think of is when the trial is on and what channel he can watch it.

Much to his liking, he tries to be a good friend but goes to the library and watches the trial unfold. As Kimmy goes to see Jacqueline, they both head to the gym for a cycling class. The instructor (played by Nick Kroll) has a certain appeal with the ladies and guys in the class.

Kimmy enjoyed the class so much that she goes back for more, and it takes the thought of going back to Indiana off her mind. As Titus has been watching the trail, it's not looking good as Rev. Wayne is winning. Heck, the prosecutors aren't as good as Wayne, but they do make a cute couple.

Titus returns from the library and starts to freak out from what Wayne has said, getting all crazy and seeing the devil Lillian smoking. He comes home and sees Kimmy on the bike. Kimmy realizes that after falling on the floor, she's back in a cult.

Kimmy decides that she's going to go back to Indiana and testify. But first, she had to stop at the cycling class. The instructor is a fake who has a video screen for half his body as he is sitting on the toilet. That was a real shocker and unbelievably funny.

The episode "Kimmy Goes to Court" is one of the weirdest and most hilarious episodes yet continues the arc of Kimmy and the trial. Kimmy comes back home, and the river is now a parking lot.

As Kimmy walks into court, reporters hoover around her, asking questions. But Titus saved her as he began to ask questions if they wanted to know about the environment.

Later, he takes the attention away from Kimmy and onto himself. Titus is Kimmy's PR manager.

The trial goes on, and Kimmy is asked questions. There were simple ones, but when Wayne started asking questions, he got the whole thing to turn around on Kimmy as if she was the bad one. Kimmy had a chance to let one of the girls go out, but she backed off.

With everyone hating Kimmy, Kimmy had no idea what to do. She talks to Titus as she hasn't seen him mostly all day. After talking about it, she decides to return to the bunker and take the girls, too.

They searched the place to see what they could find, and they found where the Reverend was staying most of the time. A room full of electronic stuff powered by the crank that the girls had to work.

But then Kimmy finds curtains hiding a safe, and they've found something to turn the trail around as that will lead up to the season finale.

These two episodes were excellent and very weird, as well. I was stunned and moved by the performance of John Hamm, who played the great Reverend Wayne G. Wayne. I believe that he stole the episode.

One of the hilarious parts is when Titus is about to be interviewed by a news anchor from WTHR 13 but is too busy to notice that he's on life. He sings his heart out until he realizes he's alive and freaks out. And up it's a YouTube hit.

Overall, I give "Kimmy Rides a Bike" an 8/10 and "Kimmy Goes to Court" a 9/10.

You can catch every episode of The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt on Netflix now.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt "Kimmy Has a Birthday" & "Kimmy's in a Love Triangle" recap

In episodes nine and ten of the hilarious Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, we find Kimmy in a joyous mood as she's about to celebrate her 30th birthday. However, turning 30 and being an adult significantly differs from celebrating when she's 15. Plus, the two men in her life (besides Titus) will have to decide which one to date and which she can't see anymore.

"Kimmy Has a Birthday" 

Kimmy turns 30, and she hasn't had a real adult party. She's so excited to buy alcohol that she tries to buy some from a guy who has some in his van but is stopped when Titus arrives.

Complete with joy, Kimmy plans to have a fantastic party. Until her father comes, or step-father, with her sister Kymmi, who's jealous of Kimmy. Her stepfather was searching for Kimmy, but the only problem was that the man couldn't find anything or anyone. This character probably can't find the nose on his face.

Kimmy demands them to leave, but before they take off, her stepfather gives her a gift. It turned out to be a necklace of her mom with her and Kymmi's picture on it, and it had Kymmi storming out and leaving for Olive Garden.

Meanwhile, Titus figures out what to give Kimmy on her birthday. He tells her that she's written a song for her, but when he tries to come up with a song, he quits and finds a cute mummy unwrapping his costume.

As Kimmy gets ready, she has two men who want to give and be there for her: Dong and Logan. Logan gives Kimmy 30 gifts. One of the funniest scenes with them is when he calls and mentions that the iPhones are out. Just before they hang up, he tells Kimmy that they need to get the new ones before the older models fall apart, literally!

But with Dong and Logan at the party, it became a hilarious moment for the two of them. They try to fight, but no one can hit one another. Dong tries to kick him but lands through the wall, and Logan tries to boot but is stopped by Dong's hand holding the other.

Kimmy was furious and had everyone out. When Kimmy's step-dad shows up high on heroin, Kimmy figures out where Kymmi could be, and when they reach her at the Olive Garden, Kimmy tells Kymmi that she doesn't want her to hate her. She gives the necklace back to Kymmi and eats out.

When Kimmy gets back to the apartment, Titus gives Kimmy her gift, in which she has no clue of any songs before she was taken. So Titus performs the song "Fireworks."  Kimmy liked it but had some fundamental criticisms of the song. Poor Titus, but poor Katy Perry, right?

Kimmy did get an adult birthday party that had so much drama going on, but it was simply hilarious. Watching Dong and Logan fighting for Kimmy's love was just hysterical. Man, Titus indeed has some great taste in music. Also, not to mention that Kimmy and Kymmi look like they could be best friend sisters someday.

"Kimmy's in a Love Triangle" 

In this episode, Kimmy's sure in a real pickle when deciding who she wants to be in a relationship: Dong or Logan.

Logan has plans with her to meet his parents. But they end their conversation on the phone, and Kimmy tells Logan that she chose him as her boyfriend. The weird part was that he was horseback riding on a small horse, more of a phony.

In the meantime, Kimmy finds Dong but learns he's fired because the immigration people came and took everyone. Kimmy takes Dong in and has him spend the night at her place.

But all in, when Logan came to pick Kimmy up, he admitted that he was the one who called the immigration people and informed them about the illegal workers at the restaurant. Kimmy leaves Logan and finds Dong at the bus, but just before he agrees to stay, for him to survive, they'll have to get married. Yikes right?

But one of the best scenes throughout the episode was of Titus wanting to be Dr. Frankenstein at the restaurant, but when someone gets the part because he passes as straight. So Titus goes to a guy who teaches gay actors to be straight, and it turns out the guy is Dean Norris as M. La Loup, the straight coach.

It's that story in the episode that made it its best so far. I couldn't stop laughing when watching Titus learning, and going through those exercises was the best and funniest. 

I think that Kimmy and Dong could be a great couple. Heck, heck, they had a fantastic montage of Friends that they did and also the Breakfast Club as well. 

I give "Kimmy Has a Birthday" a 9/10 and "Kimmy's in a Love Triangle" a 10/10.  

Friday, May 29, 2015

The Hunt is On: Aquarius Season Premiere

It's probably one of the best new and exciting summer series on network television so far. Aquarius brings a lot more than just hunting Charlie Manson, it gives more stories around the hunting of Charlie Manson. In it's two hour premiere the episodes  "Everybody's Been Burned"/"The Hunter Gets Captured By The Game" give some surprises and even some historical moments.

In the first episode "Everybody's Been Burned" gives us an introudction to the characters that we're going to see. Emma sneaking out and into her boyfriend's car. They're off into a party when someone sees her and takes her from him. Four days later, Emma's mother calls her friend and Lieutenant Sam Hodiak (played by David Duchovny). 

Hodiak is an old school cop as he forces and gets questions ask. This isn't Agent Mulder but a buffer and edgy Mulder, but still cool. He goes investigating but gets held back due to the style and nature of what the late 60's has become. 

He finds a narc-cop Brian Shafe (played by Grey Damon) who just got miss-arrested. Hodiak talks to him and they become like old cop/new cop style. They have a style that you want in a cop drama series.

They hunt down and gets a name Charlie and later gets the full name Charlies Manson. They find where he hangs out but goes undercover and use a female cop as bate. But when one of Manson's top guys wanted to take her before meeting Charlie. Shafe takes him down as they go in the back. 

Relazing as the investigation in this missing person's case goes on, Manson's name is tied to a person who has gotten him out of trouble, which turns out to be Emma's father Kenneth Karn (played by Brian F. O'Byrne).

It's then we see Charlie meeting with him and has a bit of a meeting. He wants names of record producers and artist because he wants to be bigger than The Beatles. He threatens Ken and mentions his daughter but also as he grab him, had a razor held to his neck. Manson almost about to have sexual intercourse until a car comes by. 

That had to be one of the most weird and yet shocking moments of that episode. 

When the show continues with the next episode "The Hunter Gets Captured By The Game." It introduce of what each episode will probably be from now til the end of the season. As Hodiak and Shafe looking for Emma another case winds up on their lap of a lady being murdered from head trauma. 

We got to see what Hodiak really was in this episode as he finds and makes more enemies for himself. A man who is dying from brain cancer tries to blame a murder to someone that lives in the neighborhood. Eventually, Hodiak saw it and to get him to confess to the murder, he had arrest a person who was interfering with his investigation.   That man goes by the name Bunchy and boy was he sure pissed when Hodiak was using him for bait.  He even though wasn't arrested and was release, he threaten Hodiak. 

In the meantime, Hodiak got the husband to confess on the murder of his wife. Hell, he even got him to think that he could walk off if he written down what he did. That's Hodiak I guess, a character playing the game. 

Shafe didn't like how Hodiak did that. They butted heads about it and than asked if he could give him a ride home. Shafe actually showed Hodiak his family, who's a mixed race family. After that Hodiak and Shafe go out and Hodiak ask if he still would help him find Emma. Looks like they're on the case. 

Manson on the other hand, had to teach Emma, who had no idea what to do for the group. He drops her off at a clothing store and tries to steal a coat for him but gets caught. Charlie comes in and takes care of the owner who loses his eyes. Yeah, the show's that dark.

As for Ken, running for office, throws a party for his campaign. He walks and spots Charlie right be hind him. They have a bit of a chat. Ken starts to lose it but when he drove over to Charlie's place, they have  much longer chat, more like kissing. Yes there's a relationship between them and almost to a surprise that Emma almost walked in. 

The series is a real dark drama that gives a good dose of historical moments during the timeline. The characters in the series seem to be both non-fictional and fictional. I'm pretty surprised that Charlie and Ken are both former lovers. I might not know a lot of Charlie Manson expect for the Manson Murders. 

I do love Duchovny in this series. He's like a buffed up, old style cop with a bit of Mulder in him. I like it and enjoy watching this character. I also think that maybe, just maybe that  the relationship between Hodiak and Emma's mother, Grace, would move up a to friend to maybe lovers. They seem to be not in a good marriage anyway. 

I'm looking forward to watching more of this series. For this two hour premiere, I give both episode a 9/10. I'm into it and can't wait to see the next episode. 

You can catch Aquarius Thursday nights at 9/8c on NBC
And to watch the entire series you can go to or download the nbc app. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

New Summer Series: Aquarius

It's probably one of the most talked about, heavily promoted new series of the summer. Aquarius is a new summer series on NBC that takes place in the late 60's when LA sergeant Sam Hook (played by David Duchovny) is helping with a missing person case with an undercover officer Brian Shafe (played by Grey Damon) who blends in like a hippie to fit in with the people being questioned. Unknown to their acknowledge that their investigation will lead to one of the greatest criminal of their generation, Charles Manson.

From the trailers and promos the series looks very interesting. This being Duchovny's first network television series since doing The X-Files, seems to be totally a different kind of character from his previous series as Mulder and Moody. The guy looks like a badass.

The series debuts this Thursday, May 28th with a two hour event starting in it's regular time slot at 9/8c.

After the series begins, NBC will allow you to watch the rest of the series online, NBC mobile app and on demand.

Also another interesting thing to know: on June 4th, right after Aquarius is the third season premiere of Hannibal with Gillian Anderson as part of the cast.

For that night two actors will reunite on NBC Thursday. So the truth is right there Thursday nights on NBC.

Aquarius premieres this Thursday in a 2-hour premiere event at 9/8c on NBC.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Surprise and Shocker:Chicago PD "Born Into Bad News" Season Finale

In this season finale of Chicago PD, there's nothing but intense, emotion and even a surprise or two that will have you stun.

So, Erin is not quite herself since Nadia's death. She's turn to her mother and got into a bit of a relationship with an old friend. That didn't turn out the way we hope.

Erin wakes up hangover, late to work as well. Voight and the retired Captain had a meeting about his nephew getting in some trouble with another task force.

When Voight gives the intelligence the download of the situation. Erin comes in late and after talking about the whole situation, Voight ask Erin to come in his office. He tells her that he needs her to be on top of things, notice that she's been late. She tells him that she's fine and is on top.

Voight has a plan to get these guys caught but is going to need Erin to be part of it. She goes and meets with the unit. She asked them a question that grills them. She tells them that Voight has a job for them to do. They meet with Voight at a bar and they agreed on the job.

Erin goes with the guys as Voight and the gang are watching from all four corners of the house. They go in and threaten the dealer of his money. He only had a few thousand dollars but it was when the dealers child come outs and the leader of the group puts a gun to the child's head and threatens.

Erin took to heart to stop this and shoots the guy. Voight and the rest head in and takes down the guys, getting them on taking money and selling drugs. The charges against the group of cops didn't stick because of Erin not being there and not taking the drug test because she would fail.

Worst part is that Bunny comes in the Station and ask for Erin because she has a gift for her, a photo of her and Nadia. Boy did Voight had her removed from the building. The lady just can't take a hint at all. Erin  is grieving and she's using that to get close to her.

Voight finds out about Erin when she came back. He relieves her from her duties and goes home.

Voight gets a phone call from the retired Captain. He tells him that he has his nephew and that they need to meet with him until a gang circles them and shoots them. The nephew comes out alive.

Voight and the gang takes a look around. He then talks with the nephew of what he's hiding, because the one of the guys mention an address that they hit. The nephew took some money.

The gang makes a moves in on a Latin drug kings, demanding on where these guys are hitting. They mention that they're going to take out a lady cop, which is  Erin.

Erin gets home with bag of grocery and her friend is there with beer and booze hoping to have some down time. When they go in, the gang is there and hits her friend in the head.  Erin is like totally cool and scared.

Atwater and Roman get there in time, Atwater takes out one in the leg and saves Erin. Just before that scene happen, you can see Erin just in like she's embarrassed with what's going on.

The leader apparently wasn't there and Voight makes a one ride there to his house and they have a meet and greet. The guy leaves out almost a million dollars on the table and throws a deal to Voight about taking half of it and letting him go. That wasn't going to happen. Voight gets him to put the cuffs on and he's off to jail.

Meantime, there's been some shocking moments that I've left out. One of them was that Al keeps getting phone calls and messages from a old friend that turned out to be an ex-lover when he was married. But he gets a phone call from a girl in jail, apparently her mother is the one he worked with and turns out that she is Al's daughter.

The other came near the final scene when Voight looking for Erin. She's at her mother's bar drinking a beer. Voight talks to her and tries to convince her to come with him. She's been thinking that she can't do the job anymore, that people that she has cared about have gotten hurt.

Even Bunny got on it too. Erin can't do the job no more. Voight tries to take her out and than demands that as her boss to get back to work but what she did was that she handed in her badge. And oh my god season three will be something...

I felt more compelling towards Erin in this episode. She's in a bad state of mind right now. The death of Nadia has really taken a toll on her and the meaning of her job. I think I speak with all fans of this show that we all care for her.

Also I have to mention that there might be a CPD Wedding with Ruzek purposing to Burgess. Well, at least something happy has come out of this episode, right?

I enjoyed this episode a lot. So much emotion with Linsey's story line and some intense scenes with Voight having a nice heated chat with one of the drug kings.

All in all, I give this season finale a 9/10. And as for overall this season, I give this season 9/10 as well because this season was full of character development and exciting stories that just takes my breathe away and blows my mind.

Chicago PD will return in the fall. You can catch episodes, clips and other things of Chicago PD at