Showing posts with label Episode 6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Episode 6. Show all posts

Friday, November 9, 2018

A Mother's Instinct: Superstore "Maternity Leave"

As Amy returns to Cloud 9, Jonah and Garrett interview for a new employee. Here's a recap of last night's episode of Superstore.

Just two days after Amy gave birth, she's home and trying to put the baby down for a nap. But when Glenn calls it's not just to see how she's doing. Apparently, she doesn't have any maternity leave days because of her absence. Back at work, Amy was not a happy camper as she deals with a lot of crap; from Glenn trying to cheer her up to dealing with Mateo and Cheyenne's thoughts on her baby boy's name. But she bonded with Sayid as he prays and she pumps.

Meanwhile, Garrett and Jonah help Glenn interview and hire a new employee. Dealing with some crazy candidates, they finally picked one that seemed to be funny, Penny (played by Eden Sher). But after a few hours with Penny, Garrett and Jonah aren't having too much fun with her as she grows to be annoying with her impressions and funny bits. Soon another candidate, Lonnie, comes by late to hand in his resume and after a few minutes with him, they decide to let go of Penny and hire Lonnie. After seeing Lonnie working, he asked to take a bathroom break and goes right in the middle of the store.

"Maternity Leave" was an outstanding episode. It's another strong written and performed from this ensemble cast. But America Ferrera gives her best performance when Amy sticks it to Glenn about how she's been feeling after having a baby and dealing to come back to work. Also, Eden Sher steals the episode as goofy and awkward Penny. I kind of wish she would stay to work at Cloud 9, but she wouldn't get a whole lot of work done. 

Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Superstore Thursdays at 8/7c on NBC.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Acceptance: The Good Place "Chapter 33: A Fracture Inheritance"

This week's episode of The Good Place was another marvelous piece.

When Eleanor meets with her mother; she realizes that she's not the same person that she grown up. She's a family woman with a husband and a step-daughter. Trying to convince Michael that she's just scamming them. Eleanor accepts that she's really changed. She tells Michael why she couldn't have that kind of mother growing up. But she finally sees the truth part of her mother when she finds her cash in the laundry detergent box.  She advises her to do something with that money like putting it to her step-daughter's college fund.

Meanwhile, Tahani tries to make amends with her sister, who's hosting an art gallery and handing out breakfast to the visitors. After many attempts, Tahani and Chidi get arrested from the police. But Tahani realizes from her sister's paintings were of their parents making them compete when they were kids. Tahani walks to her sister and gives her a hug and the two are sisters once again.

As Eleanor and Michael head off to the airport to meet with Chidi, Tahani, and Janet, she talks to Michael about her relationships. That got Michael to tell her that moment in the reboot of her and Chidi loving one another.

"A Fractured Inheritance"  was truly one of my favorite episodes of the season. The character developments of Eleanor and Tahani was not only good; but it brought out some emotional moments and growth to the characters. Especially for Eleanor going through the acceptance process that her mother as a good person. I thought it was Kristen Bell's best performances of the series so far. Even Jameela Jamil gives a nice performance too in this episode.

Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch The Good Place Thursdays at 8:30/7:30c on NBC.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

One Last Moment: Chicago Fire "All the Proof"

With Gorsch taking over 51 for the day that wasn't the only shocking moment in this episode of Chicago Fire. Grab the tissues!

Gorsch tells Boden that he's taking over duty thanks to Grissom. But it doesn't don't go so smoothly when the team gets called for a questionable odor. Turns out someone was committing suicide with chemicals, but while getting everyone out of the apartment they had to look for a kid.

Gorsch seemed to be a step behind when trying to lead the team from calling the hazmat team and more. But he wasn't too happy either when telling Boden that there was no one following orders from him.

Casey gets asked for help again from Namoi, the reporter, that later becomes a dinner date. The two hit it off quite a bit. He notices that Namoi is like Gabby in a way and when she tries to kiss him after dinner, she realizes that he's still in a relationship. They'll be back for more.

After the apartment rescue, Cruz decides that the team needs to learn Spanish as they can't always rely on him to translate. After trying to put sticky notes everywhere, Kidd advises Cruz to do some visual help for them...Spanish soap opera. And it worked! Kind of wish it was Days of Our Lives (I'm so hooked on that show now!).

Foster loving Halloween; expect for Brett as she tells her that crazy things happen on this Halloween. They get a call that at first turned out to be a Halloween prank, but it was just a few houses down to a girl who's having seizures. Thinking that it was candy, til the father realizes that she got into his secret edible stash.

Later on Foster realizes that Brett might have a crush on the new Chaplain. Foster tells her that she never dated him; only because he was a patient that she helped treated.   So we could see Brett and the new Chaplain going out.

With the issue with Gorsch, Boden hopes that Severide could get something from Benny. When Severide was waiting for Benny to show up, he was a no-show. But the next day he gets a call from Med about his father and when he got there Ava informs him that Benny suffered a stroke and has died. The whole team unites at Med only for Severide to be there for him.

Boden meets with Gorsch, who's mad because Grissom has reassigned him. That got the ball rolling to think that maybe that Benny did help. Boden sits with Severide at Med's chapel, he tells Boden that the last words to Benny were that he was more of a father than he would ever be. But Boden tells him that he did come through as Benny went to Grissom and gave him hell to get Gorsch off of 51's back. And that was the grab the tissues moment as Kelly broke down and cried.

"All the Proof" was an excellent episode of drama, humor and that shocking moment. It was a tearjerking moment to see Severide losing his father. The writing was so good. The character development was strong too. I think that this will effect Severide for a while, maybe more than when he lost Shay. All I know that from the promo for next week's episode it's going to be one episode to grab the tissues. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Chicago Fire Wednesdays at 9/8c on NBC.

Painful Past: Chicago PD "True or False"

A case that will have the Intelligence shaking there heads leads to one detective's past coming out. Here's a recap of Chicago PD.

When the Intelligence comes to a murder of an Alderman's wife being beaten. Ruzek sees the suspect's car where it leads to one kid, who clearly tells them that he wasn't there. After Atwater to Voight interviewed the kid; it all leads to Hailey opening up to the kid about his past that they have something in common; coming from an abusive family. After he confessed, it turns out he wasn't the murderer.

When Hailey goes back to talk with him, he hung himself in his cell. It really affects her to the degree that Halstead drinks with her at her apartment. But as they try to get their suspect, they found him dead. Going through the suspect's phone records, it leads to one person...the Alderman. After going through more records, they see the whole picture that their victim was trying to leave her husband after being abused by him.

After updating Brennan about it, she gets the Alderman to meet with her. But he runs as soon as the Intelligence Unit chases him. As Hailey confronts the Alderman, she tries to reason with him but as he pulls a gun on her it's Ruzek that shoots him down as she was there frozen.

After talking with Voight about it, Hailey and Ruzek head back home where she tells him that what she told their first suspect was true.

"True or False" was literally one of the best episodes of the season. It was powerful with such strong character development as we see Hailey's dark past come to light. The case might have been a little bit predictable, but the double twist kept the episode interesting.  But it was Tracy Spridakos' performance was outstanding and it makes me love the character more and more. And it gave the fans an awkward moment when Halstead, Hailey, and Ruzek were in the same place together.

Overall, I give this episode an 8.9/10.

You can catch Chicago PD Wednesdays at 10/9c on NBC.

Trick or Treat: Chicago Med "Lesser of Two Evils"

When a child's life is in the balance, a secret will be revealed—this and many more, plus a party for Natalie and Will in this recap of Chicago Med.

When Ethan and April care for a child whose kidneys aren't working, it corresponds to Wilson's Disease.  She needs a transplant, but her parents aren't her biological parent. When Dr. Charles comes in to help, he feels there's something more than what meets the eye. The truth comes out when the mother tells Charles and Ethan that they didn't fully adopt her—but saved her when she was alone while her birth mother got high. The birth mother and smothered daughter don't want to see her. But even if that happened, she wanted to thank those who took her in.

Conner and Lanik butted heads this week, and I was looking for some fist-to-face moment, but I know Conner is better. When seeing Terry bring Lanik coffee and other things, Conner is amazed at how much scutwork Terry does. But when a trauma comes in, Lanik pressures Terry to put a central line in, but he fails nervously. Conner gives some advice to Terry while he tells him that maybe being a doctor was a bad choice. The wrong patient needs to lose his good chance to save the leg. Lanik doesn't think keeping the guy is essential because Conner thinks he's afraid that they 'lose him.

While getting ready for a Bachelor and Bachelorette party, Natalie and Will treat a woman who's shown bruises on her face down to her hips.  Thinking that it's her husband, Natalie gets the truth out of the patient. But soon, her patient had a blood clot, and any stress would cause the clot to burst. But her husband won't listen and brings her to leave. That is until that clot burst, and they pronounced her dead. Her husband goes pretty quickly while Natalie and Will get their patient help after she faked her death. It was such a tremendous Halloween-themed moment.

At the party, Will talks with Jay about Ray again and tells him he must bring him in for his heart condition. But Jay tells him not to because things won't be good. But it doesn't look like Will will leave it alone.

"Lesser Of Two Evils" was a very excellent ring episode.  The writing was so good. Ethan's story was so good,d and it could be an honest bitee about the difference between kidnapping and saving a child's life.  I was stunned, but I understood what they did was for the best of the child; I think that maybe the biological mother would want to share custody with them. There were many momomentsoo from Conner and Lanik butting heads to Conner and Ava having some good moments and Will and Natalie's party too. Will will do what he thinks is best as a doctor to treat his patients. Sorry, Jay.

Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Chicago Med Wednesdays at 8/7c on NBC.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Smile: This Is Us "Kamsahamnida"

There are times to throw punches and there are times when you just face it head-on.  Here's a recap of last night's episode of This Is Us.

As Toby is going through his depression and waiting to see when his medicine would kick in; Kate is trying to do her best. But when she takes their dog out for a walk, the dog accidentally ate something out of the garbage bag; which was a rock. Worried enough as it is, Kate calls Rebecca for advice on making a decision about the baby, Toby and the dog whether or not to have surgery.

Later Kate decides to go home and take Toby out when the dog was ready to go out. Kate tells Toby that she's never gonna leave him and soon their dog finally passed the rock.

Randall tries to connect to the voters by going to the neighborhood church; but when Solomon Brown welcomes him at the church, it's a true battle. After talking with Kevin about looking into Jack's past; Randall uses Kevin is popularity with the people in Koreatown to get people to register to vote. But he meets with a Korean American man who calls him out but Randall gives not only him and his mother and sister but everyone around the real reason why he's running, which got everyone to support him.

We see the past when Jack comes home with a black eye and tells Rebecca about his boxing. Well, Randall asked Jack to teach him boxing because a kid at school was picking on him. But after Jack and Rebecca learn the truth, Randall tells Jack that he doesn't have his DNA to be tough. Jack tells him that he is his son and tells him that boxing isn't just about fighting. When they watch a boxing match, Jack tells Randall about how fighters intimate opponents with their smile. Which back in the present, Randall confronts Solomon and tells him that he's got a strong team and shows a smile.

Beth, on the other hand, isn't having the best day. When trying to get her girls to sell girl scout cookies, it gets overwhelming. Deja tells Beth about that she needs to tell Randall what's going on and what he says will make her feel better. As Randall comes home, Beth tells him that she's not fine after getting fired. Randall asks her to become apart of his campaign team, which she accepts.

Kevin is attracted to finding out who the lady is in the photo with Jack. Even after talking with Randall, he decides that he has to pull off the wallpaper to find out what's there. He confronts to Zoe about it and tells her that he loves her and if she wants to go with him to Vitamin there's a spare ticket for her, which she accepts too.

"Kamsahamnida" is another good, powerful and inspiring episode. There were many moments from this episode that won me over, but the Kevin and Randall scenes I couldn't get enough. But I did love how Jack teaches Randall that boxing isn't always about fighting that there's non-fighting too. The cast was amazing and gives another strong performance. The writing was simply beautiful with a lot of strong character development. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

Also in the aftermath of the Pittsburgh shooting, the show ended the episode with a strong message:

I want to say that our hearts and prayers go to the citizens of Pittsburgh and that we stand by them too.

You can catch a new This Is Us two week (Nov. 13 due to the mid-term election on Nov. 6) at 9/8c on NBC.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

The Good Place "The Ballad of Donkey Doug" Preview

Here's a preview of Thursday's episode of The Good Place titled, "The Ballad of Donkey Doug."

"The Ballad of Donkey Doug"

Jason makes a visit with some people from his past, while Chidi gets help in resolving a problem.


You can catch The Good Place Thursdays at 8:30/7:30c on NBC.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Play and Seriousness: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt "Kimmy and the Beest!"/"Kimmy Meets an Old Friend!" Mid-season Finale

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"Kimmy and the Beest!"

With Titus the head of the school theater, he tries to put on a play that'll make the students special, even if he has to star in it. After getting rejected for their auditing, Titus decides to bring them back to put on a play "Beauty and the Beest." Trying to meet his vision for the show, the lead leaves to join wrestling and after trying to keep the play going, the students thinks that Titus should play the beest. But when he realizes that the student who does the lights can hit those notes, he tries to place him with the wrestling team.

Meanwhile, Jacqueline and Lillian are trying to scalping to make money off the school play. After trying to convinced the parents to play $30, they try to sale them on the streets of Broadway and got an idea of how to get people to buy and come, which pretty much worked.

As for Kimmy, she tries to confront the man that is a follower of the Richard Wayne about how bad the guy was to her. But he just wouldn't believe it and gives her crap about how men have it harder than women, but he got a dose of his own medicine when she challenged to an arm wrestling contest and broke his arm and later get the butt kicked out of him.

She later joins Titus' play and sees how much he's trying to make the play all about him and not the students. After trying to convince him to change the lead role, she brings a secret weapon: his high school football coach. After getting the light guy out of wrestling and into the play, the play went successful for both Kimmy, Titus, Jacqueline and Lillian but not so much for the students as their parents weren't there.

"Kimmy and the Beest!" was another amazing and hilarious episode from start to finish. This could easily be Titus' best episode of Part 1 of Season 4. Burgess gives a outstanding performances and with Kemper in scenes it was just another priceless moment. Strong character development and writing. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

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"Kimmy Meets an Old Friend!" 

After trying to find Titus at the school, Kimmy recognized a backpack from a kid, which happens to the one she lost at the club in the pilot episode. When she exchanges it, it's like her and an old friend are reunited. When she meets with Titus, who's trying to write his pilot to The Capiest, she helps him by using her book bag, that happens to be alive in her mind, to explore ideas.

After spending sometime outside along with Titus and her book bag and seeing guys playing a game of quidditch, she comes up with a concept for a children's book. But when the book publisher turns her down because they want her to write a book on her experience in the bunker. She gives her story to Titus, who happens to use it for his pilot script for The Capiest, that happens to get turned out but gets an offer for another show.

Meanwhile, Lillian comes to let Artie's family know that he had passed, but his daughter Sheba, tries to get her away from the family and the family will. But it would be Artie that would have the last laugh on her as he announced in a video that Sheba's inheritance would not go to her but be in the hands of Lillian.

Jacqueline gets a visit from her step daughter that fears to be pregnant. After trying to be the old Jacqueline, she finally realizes that Xanthippe wants her there and gets there just in time to hear that Xanthippe isn't pregnant. The two soon go after her boyfriend, who dumped her and was spreading rumors after she told him she was pregnant and turn his life and his room into a mess.

Kimmy realizes that she must grow up and dump her book bag by placing rocks in it and toss her into the river. But when she gets a phone call from an executive producer's son who'd read her story and wants to know more about what will happen next. She saves her book bag and heads back with a smile and celebrates with everyone with a fudgie the whale cake. But ends with a camera set on the four and someone communicating about phase 2. 

"Kimmy Meets an Old Friend!" was just as hilarious as the previous episode but left an amazing cliffhanger for it to be a midseason finale. There were so many good moments from Kimmy dealing with whether she needs to grow up or not, Lillian fighting against Artie's daughter and the one that I really enjoyed the most was Jacqueline and her stepdaughter dealing with a pregnancy. For Jacqueline and Xanthippe storyline, it really humanized Jane's character that it was both funny and heartwarming at the same time. After all, I'm dying to see what is Phase II that this mysterious person is talking about. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Season 4, Part 1 available on Netflix now and can catch Part 2 in January.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Family Disappointment: Champions "Grandma Dearest"

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When Michael ask Vince about his grandmother for school, but what Michael doesn't know is that Vince's mother hasn't have a clue that he exist yet.

As Michael tries to get Vince to introduce him to his grandmother. But in exchange to see Vince's mother, Michael helps Vince with his gym's website.

It takes the whole episode to understand that Vince and Matthew's mother isn't the right person to have a relationship. When they get ready for her visit, she shows up a no show but her husband comes and tells them her excuse. When Michael sees that he understands and decides that it's up to her to see him instead of him.

Meanwhile, when updating the Champions website, Michael recruits one of the gym members to be part of a website video of her journey. But when they get things ready, their recruit becomes a no show thanks to Ruby going on a date with her and abandoning her. It all became good thanks to the rest of the gm crew getting their recruit back and filming the video but also added to it with her asking Ruby for her hand in marriage.

"Grandma Dearest" was another hilarious and strong written episode I've enjoyed this episode a lot. The cast was amazing once again. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Champions Thursdays at 9:30/8:30c on NBC.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Back Shamming and Father Issues: A.P. Bio "Freakin' Enamored"

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From back shamming of an art piece that leads to protest to a teacher trying to hook up with his student's mother. Here's a look at this week's A.P. Bio.

After failing to get a date in the town and finding out that his enemy is dating Lisa Loeb, Jack asked his students for a plan but gets a surprise when he sees that his students have brought their parents for Parent Day. After calming them down and telling how everyone of their kids is getting an A and given some much feed back, Devin's mother comes in late and gets Jack's attention from start. Quickly, Jack and Devin's mother hit it off quick and comes over for dinner at her place.

Just as when the dinner was going good, Devin shows up and ruins it for Jack. The next day, Jack takes back Devin's A and turns it into an F and gets the class discussing about dating Devin's mother. After doing pros and cons, Jack decides to date Devin's mother and help him build a rocket. But the truth comes out when Devin's hopes of his real dad would come over and Jack blurs out about what he wanted to do with his mother and both of them tell him to "get!"

Meanwhile, during the Parents Day, parents had concern about Mary's bareback sketch showing in school and Principle Ralph took it down. That caused the teachers and students to fight for bare back rights and all art. It goes so far that the students were hitting off a Ralph look a like pinata. Ralph did change his mind and gets quite openly about Mary's art, but she took it away from him.

The next day, Jack learns that he and Devin aren't that different when it comes to their dads, as both of them hate them, while the others in their class love theirs. Jack decides to help him out again with the father-son rocket but this time they would shoot a golf ball at their rockets but instead lands on one of the kids and they both ran before anyone would see.

"Freakin' Enamored" was a very well written that had some well developed characters. The performances from Howerton, Oswalt, Jacob McCarthy, Arm and Mary Sohn were amazing and hilarious. Not to mention Lisa Loeb and Erin Hayes' guest appearance on the show as Miles' new girlfriend and Devin's mother.I couldn't get enough of the Parents Day one on one meeting with Jack, which was amazing especially watching Heather and her parents and Sarika and her mother.  Overall, I give this episode a 8/10.

You can catch A.P. Bio Thursdays at 8:30/7:30c on NBC.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Protect and Suspect: Blindspot "This Profound Legacy"/Adoring Suspect"

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"This Profound Legacy"

When the team investigates a series of arson attacks, it leads them to the kind of the nation of Kazarus, who's being targeted by his uncle, the current king. Weller and Jane must save and protect Vanya from his uncle but by the time that happens at the end of the episode his uncle is dead and he takes the rightful ownership as the king of Kazarus.

Meanwhile, looking for Jane's child has becomes the new hunt over the tattoos. But Roman tells Jane that Shepherd forced her to give up her daughter. But it is revealed at the end of the episode that Weller, who was searching for Jane in Berlin, met with her daughter Avery, who was also looking for her. Could this be what Roman was talking about to Weller about Berlin?

This was a very good episode. Interesting and thrilling at times. Overall, I give this episode a 8/10.

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"Adoring Suspect"

Come on, you loved this episode too. Probably one of your favorites?

This might be my favorite episode of the season if you want to watch a very entertaining episode of Blindspot. When Weller goes undercover in Hollywood to investigate a connection to a famous actor Keith Rhodes, to a notorious crime boss. Coming to learn that the crime boss is suing Rhodes's producer as a front to ship Weapons of Mass Destruction all over the world and planning a chemical attack in America. But Weller and Jane stop the attack and arrest the crime boss.

Roman encounters with Blake Crawford again and the two grow closer. Jane decides that maybe it's not worth looking for her daughter and Hirst issues a threat to Reade after he confronts her about the connections to Kevin Loewe. That lead Reade to joining Jane, Weller, Patterson, Zapata and Rich to help bring Hirst down after they have had suspicions for a while.

"Adoring Suspect" has to be one of my favorite episodes of the season, passing the second and third episode of the third season. It was just an entertaining hour that should sides of humor and the dramatic of the show. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Blindspot Fridays at 8/7c on NBC.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Riding the Ethic Express!!: The Good Place "Chapter 19: The Trolley Problem"

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As Chidi tries hard to teach Michael ethics, Tahani and Jason seek help about their relationship.

Just as Chidi teaches the trolley problem for the class, Michael isn't getting it at all. Michael puts Chidi on the spot of the trolley problem by putting Chidi, Eleanor and himself into a running train with Chidi making the decision on who to save and not and it lead to more and more. But even though Michael was just torching Chidi once again, but Chidi wasn't playing and shows his real frustration towards Michael by kicking him out of the class.

Michael tells Chidi how that it was "my bad" to Chidi but he wasn't taking it. Even Eleanor tries to fix things but it all came down to Michael showing his human emotional side and really apologize to Chidi and this time really accepted it.

Meanwhile, Tahani and Jason seek therapist help about their relationship and the one person they go to is Janet. After talking to Janet about how much they love each other and grown, Janet suffers from set backs from thumb popping off and floating away to frog coming out of her mouth to even an earthquake in the area. Janet comes to Michael to tell him that she's glitching and asks him how he is.

"The Torrey Problem" was such an amazing episode and probably one of my favorites (again) of this season. William Jackson Harper shines in this episode as Chidi in this episode, showing sides of emotions we never seen him before do. The writing was so so good and solid. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch The Good Place Thursdays at 8:30/7:30c on NBC.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Chicago PD "Fallen"/"Care Under Fire"


"Fallen" was a well written story about Upton's past and confronting an issue that she and Voight will have to keep for the rest of their lives.

When there's a multiple homicide, Upton is forced to work with a detective that she has a past with, but when they worked together and about to meet, he turns up dead after found shot in the head. Voight not happy how Upton wasn't there at the time. But when they dig deep in the case it takes a real turn when in fact that Upton's former partner actually killed himself and used a gun that was in evidence lockup.

Voight and Upton didn't tell anyone else about what really happen, not even to the the widow or the rest of the Intelligence Unit.

This was a really good episode that really enjoying the character of Hailey Upton, after not connecting with her since she was partnered up with the team since the end of last season. Tracy Sprindakos was amazing in this episode. Overall, I give this episode a 8.5/10

"Care Under Fire"

When Halstead goes undercover to stop an ex-military kidnapping crew from killing an innocent child. In order to get to the crew, he must befriends with one of the members, who happens to be an ex-military, along side with his sister as well. 

"Care Under Fire" was a strong emotional episode for Jesse Lee Soffer as it was one of his best performance episode in a while. The episode opened up well of Jay Halstead's background in the military and not to mention the relationship between him and Upton as I feel that they could be the next couple in this series. #Upstead?

Overall, I give this episode a 8.5/10.

You can catch Chicago PD Wednesdays at 10/9c on NBC.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Complicated Plan: Superstore "Health Fund" Fall Finale

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In the fall finale of Superstore, Cloud 9 takes on health care in a way that shows how difficult it is to make.

When the employees of Cloud 9 discuss methods on clearing an infected ear of Mateo's, everyone strts given their own remedies. Jonah believes that he can make a better health care policy than the one that the company can give, but it soon backfires and Amy and Jonah become the faces of the store's health care policy.

When Amy and Jonah come up with a plan of having two groups (Group A will pay $20 and Group B pay $200), it backfires again and the staff come up with another way with many upon many groups that at one point had one group called World of Fire. But after all of that, Amy and Jonah decides that health care is too complicated and hided in the storm shelter along with Kelly.

Meanwhile, after making fun of Dina getting worked done because she had a mole removed that happened be close to cancer. Glenn thinks that he might have a cancer mole near his penis and tries to get a second opinion. He ask Dina to look at it but couldn't tell and takes a photo of it and send it to her doctor which came back not cancer.

"Health Fund" was a very good and hilarious episode. Between Glenn and his mole and Amy and Jonah's health care policy both stories were quick entertaining and memorable. Even we got to see Sandra really give it to Jonah and Amy like we never seen before. The writing for this episode was very good and strong. I enjoyed every minute of this episode. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Superstore Thursdays at 8/7c on NBC also catch out past episode on the NBC app.
You can catch a special Christmas episode of Superstore Tuesday, Dec. 5 at 9:30/8:30c on NBC.