Wednesday, October 31, 2018

War is Set: Chicago Fire "A Volatile Mixture"

Image result for Chicago Fire"A Volatile Mixture"

From a mysterious trailer fire to Gorsch dictating the firehouse, here's a recap of the Chicago Fire.

With Gorsch back, he's been dictating everything that 51 has done, from telling Casey to give the reporter's story to the PR, even getting Boden to step down from his position and join his squad. But both Casey and Boden ignore Gorsch and carry on like they always do.

After a trailer fire, Casey was asked by a reporter to help to see if that fire was similar to the ones that she'd been investigating.  It turned out it was, and not only did they solve it and make it into the papers, but there's an excellent connection between them.

Gorsch pressures Boden to take it to Grissom, who ignores him completely. After telling Casey and Severide, Severide decides to talk to Benny and ask for help.  But with a look of sadness and defeat, Benny tells Severide that he'll try to help.

Brett and Foster are off to a great start in their friendship after some awkward moments. But doesn't that build the company?

"A Volatile Mixture" is a good episode and one that I would love to rewatch again and again. There were funny moments and moments we should consider, like Casey and the reporter. There seems to be something there right off the bat. Hopefully, let's take this slow and steady. Also, I think that Benny is hiding something and might take the next episode on what it is that will happen.  Benny wasn't being Benny in this episode like in the show's past six seasons. Also, the friendship between Brett and Foster was awkwardly funny and made me want to rewatch the attack repeatedly. As for Boden, the battle has been set between him and Gorsch. Bring it on!

Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Chicago Fire on Wednesdays at 9/8c on NBC.

Smile: This Is Us "Kamsahamnida"

There are times to throw punches and there are times when you just face it head-on.  Here's a recap of last night's episode of This Is Us.

As Toby is going through his depression and waiting to see when his medicine would kick in; Kate is trying to do her best. But when she takes their dog out for a walk, the dog accidentally ate something out of the garbage bag; which was a rock. Worried enough as it is, Kate calls Rebecca for advice on making a decision about the baby, Toby and the dog whether or not to have surgery.

Later Kate decides to go home and take Toby out when the dog was ready to go out. Kate tells Toby that she's never gonna leave him and soon their dog finally passed the rock.

Randall tries to connect to the voters by going to the neighborhood church; but when Solomon Brown welcomes him at the church, it's a true battle. After talking with Kevin about looking into Jack's past; Randall uses Kevin is popularity with the people in Koreatown to get people to register to vote. But he meets with a Korean American man who calls him out but Randall gives not only him and his mother and sister but everyone around the real reason why he's running, which got everyone to support him.

We see the past when Jack comes home with a black eye and tells Rebecca about his boxing. Well, Randall asked Jack to teach him boxing because a kid at school was picking on him. But after Jack and Rebecca learn the truth, Randall tells Jack that he doesn't have his DNA to be tough. Jack tells him that he is his son and tells him that boxing isn't just about fighting. When they watch a boxing match, Jack tells Randall about how fighters intimate opponents with their smile. Which back in the present, Randall confronts Solomon and tells him that he's got a strong team and shows a smile.

Beth, on the other hand, isn't having the best day. When trying to get her girls to sell girl scout cookies, it gets overwhelming. Deja tells Beth about that she needs to tell Randall what's going on and what he says will make her feel better. As Randall comes home, Beth tells him that she's not fine after getting fired. Randall asks her to become apart of his campaign team, which she accepts.

Kevin is attracted to finding out who the lady is in the photo with Jack. Even after talking with Randall, he decides that he has to pull off the wallpaper to find out what's there. He confronts to Zoe about it and tells her that he loves her and if she wants to go with him to Vitamin there's a spare ticket for her, which she accepts too.

"Kamsahamnida" is another good, powerful and inspiring episode. There were many moments from this episode that won me over, but the Kevin and Randall scenes I couldn't get enough. But I did love how Jack teaches Randall that boxing isn't always about fighting that there's non-fighting too. The cast was amazing and gives another strong performance. The writing was simply beautiful with a lot of strong character development. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

Also in the aftermath of the Pittsburgh shooting, the show ended the episode with a strong message:

I want to say that our hearts and prayers go to the citizens of Pittsburgh and that we stand by them too.

You can catch a new This Is Us two week (Nov. 13 due to the mid-term election on Nov. 6) at 9/8c on NBC.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Open Minds: Black Lightning "The Book of Consequences: Chapter Three: Master Lowry"

Image result for "The Book of Consequences: Chapter Three: Master Lowry"

Will Jefferson catch Tobias and give Jennifer so peace to this madness that she's in? Here's a recap of Black Lightning.

After helping with the police with another Green Light victim, Black Lightning and Gambi search for Tobias and Painkiller from the video cameras at the school; but that turned up dead. Soon Henderson comes to Jefferson for some help a case of a bad cop dead in a burned van. Jefferson gets info from an inside man and gets the info to give Henderson that it was Tobias.

In the meantime, Jefferson confronts Painkiller's mother on the whereabouts and asked her to give a call to meet with him. Jefferson tries to talk with Painkiller and how Tobias uses him. But after he shoots one of his darts, Jefferson stops it and takes it with him, for which I hope he gets Giambi to make something out of it.

Jennifer, who's tired of being cooped up in the house with her unknown and uncontrolled powers. She goes on her walks, she meets with someone, Perenna. She's a therapist with telepathic powers that can help Jennifer with her powers. After the first trial not good, Jefferson confronts Jennifer and apologies that if he could take all this away he could. And that sparked another meeting with Perenna, which helped and looks like she'll be seeing her more and more.

Anissa is trying to fix her relationship with Grace; after being noticed in another relationship on social media. But she turned to her secret vigilante mode with Giambi and take another bag of cash from another drug dealer. It went down as smooth as it could be.

Lynn is dealing with another addition to the ASA team as they bring in a convicted criminal Helga Jace. Not liking the idea, Lynn makes a deal with her in exchange to help with her to cure the kids in the pod. There are a few bumps in the road but I think they'll work it out.

As for Tobias, he trains Painkiller to do the things that Syonide use to do for him. After pushing him, he heads to the cemetery where his sister is placed. Just as he lights the candles and bends down, Henderson and his squad take him down and arrested him. I think he was planning this for a bit. 

"The Book of Consequences: Chapter Three: Master Lowry" was a very good episode that had a very mix blend of action and drama. There were many moments, but I think that one of the best moments was when Jefferson hugs Jennifer and apologies to her. I think it gave Jennifer the idea to take another look into meeting with Perenna. I very much enjoyed the introduction of Perenna. Very mysterious, funny and exciting. And I think that Tobias has something planned just before he got arrested. That whole scene just felt funny and weird that something was going to happen but it'll probably come down in episode four. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Black Lightning Tuesdays at 9/8c on The CW.

Truth Comes Out: Black Lightning "The Book of Consequences: Chapter Two: Black Jesus Blues"

Image result for "The Book of Consequences: Chapter Two: Black Jesus Blues"

The search is on for an escape pod kid. Here's a recap of Black Lightning.

When a pod child with electrokinesis powers is freed and kills an ASA scientist; another escapes with using aerokinesis powers.  Lynn another other scientists try to keep the kid calm but failed. When Lynn tells Jefferson about what happened, Gambi tells them that the child that escape is Wendy Henandez.

But later Lynn learns of one of the kids that came back from the dead is alive and takes in Issa Williams, a  young metahuman who was killed by the police and subsequently rejected by his family. Issa joins the Pierces family for dinner and soon they snap on each other and soon realize that Issa's powers make people spill out the truth. Jennifer helps Issa on how to use his powers by not looking into their eyes.

Meanwhile, while looking Wendy, Black Lightning and Thunder have some differences of using their powers; mainly Thunder showing off to the public as they cheer. But Black Lightning confronts Wendy and eventually was able to shock her out of psychotic spill. Lynn confronts Wendy, who realizes that everyone she knew 30 years ago is gone, opts to go back in the pods until Lynn can find a cure.

Jefferson makes the toughest decision when he resigns as principal, due to high pressure from the school board. But when he tells the students the news but he'll remain as a teacher, the students chant his mantras in support.

After losing Syonide, Tobias makes some loose ends from killing some of his informants that knew him. This is after he's close to a breakthrough on Metahumans. Probably that briefcase he's got from the ASA.

"The Book of Consequences: Chapter Two: Black Jesus Blues" was an amazing episode. With only a little bit of action, the drama really keeps you on your toes with its rich storyline and character development. There were scenes from Thunder showing off and Black Lightning trying to act more responsible to the dinner table truth moment were hilarious. But there were moments like Jennifer helping Issa with his powers to even Jefferson confronting his students on his resignation as principal was powerful even when the students stood up to his motto. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Black Lightning Tuesdays at 9/8c on The CW.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Family Bonding: Chicago PD "Fathers and Sons"

Disco Bob returns but is he bad or good? Here's a recap of this week's Chicago PD.

"Fathers and Sons" was an amazing and thrilling episode that really put the character of Adam Ruzek on the fence. When he goes undercover to take down a top drug dealer, Ruzek sees a familiar face, his father. Getting pressure not only from Hailey but Voight too. Ruzek meets with his dad and learns that he's just being the dealer's security. When the deal with Intelligence was about to be made, Ruze's father comes in and helps Adam take down the leader and other members.

Later on, Ruzek visits his father and he tells Ruzek that he's broken. Not to mention that the reason why he took the job was to get enough money to pay on the house. And ends the episode with "what kind of father asked his son for money?" which was pretty chilling and heartbreaking.

This was an amazing episode and one of Patrick John Flueger's solid performance. His chemistry between Jack Coleman was outstanding.  Even with that ending moment, there are some strong moments like Hailey and Voight pressuring Ruzek on the case to do something about his father. Or the moment when Voight tells Ruzek that he filed papers that his father was working with the Intelligence.

Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch Chicago PD Wednesdays at 10/9c on NBC.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Father and Son: The Good Place 'Chapter 32: The Ballad of Donkey Doug"

Can Jason and the gang help steer Donkey Doug in the right direction? Here's a recap of this week's episode of The Good Place.

As Jason, Tahani and Michael head to Florida to meet with Donkey Doug; they try to help him steer in the path to get into The Good Place. Tahani and Michael learn that Donkey Doug is Jason's father and when they try to help him by giving him money to finish electrician school. But Doug and Pillboi announced their new invention Double Trouble that's an energy drink and deodorant spray. Yikes, right?

Doug tells Jason that they're gonna steal some stuff from three stores to make their product. With a disappointed Jason, Michael comes to terms to suggest that they try to say Pillboi, which they did in a way that was simple and easy. But Jason went to help his father; but then gets caught by the cops. Doug saves him and diverts the cops his way.

Meanwhile, Chidi needs help on how to properly break up with Simone. Janet invited a virtual reality simulation that puts Chidi in a realistic situation and tries many different ways to break up. Even had Eleanor trying to break up with Simone which almost had them kissing. Even though Chidi broke up with Simone badly, they did come to good terms.

As the gang meets up, Michael gives Eleanor a big shocking surprise that her mother is in fact alive. WHAT THE FORK?!

"The Ballad of Donkey Doug" was a well-written episode. Not to mention that the cast put on an amazing performance. Manny Jacinto gives his best performance as his character really had a strong character development. And what can I say I got teary eye when Donkey Doug saved Jason from the cops. Overall, I give this episode a 9/10.

You can catch The Good Place Thursdays at 8:30/7:30c on NBC.

Song of the Fall: Superstore "Costume Competition"

The mission if they choose to accept it: win the costume competition and win a paid day off. Here's a recap of this Halloween episode of Superstore.

With Amy failing to get time off for her pregnancy, she gets the next best thing: win a costume competition. But when everyone steps up their costume game, her and Mateo tries to get them to take it off due to stereotyping their co-workers. That is until everyone makes a big deal and arguing what's okay and not okay.  Soon they kept their costumes and competed. Mateo tries to sabotage Amy's plan too. But at the end, the gerrymandering Jonah announced that Amy is the winner.

Meanwhile, the store has a new device when it comes to moving the shopping car collector. After Sondra and the other playing with it, Glenn stops them and takes the device. But when he takes the device; the collector to follow him in a way like Michael Myers or Jason Vorhees.

And to the song of the week! The "Halloween Surfboard" was such a go grabbing song that it really made the episode better. When Jonah tells Garrett about how annoying it is, Garrett catches on and it drives him crazy so much that he calls the department to change the song. Why would Dracula put moon-tan lotion at night? It was the storyline stealer of the episode. Here's the song!

"Costume Competition" was an episode to remember and top's season three's episode too. The writing was so good and the character development was too. The performances from the cast were amazing but Colton Dunn stole the episode. Overall,I give this episode a 9.5/10.

You can catch Superstore Thursdays at 8/7c on NBC.